
For Practitioners

Why You Should Get Laser Hair Removal in The Winter

Unwanted body hair may not be top of mind during the winter months, since we are covered in multiple layers. However, wintertime is actually the best time of year to get laser hair removal & prepare for the spring & summer months.

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser Hair Removal is the most permanent solution to removing body hair. The treatment uses a highly concentrated laser beam through a handheld device. The laser heats and absorbs the hair follicles which disables the follicle and keeps the hair from growing back.

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal in the Winter

One of the reasons winter is best for laser hair removal is because this treatment works best with a stronger contrast in pigment between the skin and the hair follicle. In the summer, your skin can darken in the sun which may be harder for the laser to pick up the pigment of the hair follicle. The pigment of the follicle is what the laser picks up to remove the unwanted hair. The best results happen when your skin is its natural color in contrast to your hair follicles.

Another reason it is smarter to get your laser hair treatment in the winter is because of less sun exposure. Your skin becomes more sensitive to the sun immediately after the treatment & too much sun exposure can lead to discoloration or dark spots. Summer leads to more time in the sun and can increase these risks, so winter is safer while you heal.

Laser Hair Removal works when there is hair growth which means the first round of treatment may not remove all the follicles. Multiple treatments are typically recommended, so if you are looking to have smooth, hairless skin in the summer you will have time to get all your treatments before swimsuit season.


This is the year to get rid of everything we don’t want, including unwanted hair. So, get started on your laser hair treatments today, so you can look & feel your absolute best this summer. Youthtopia Med Spa uses the Cynosure Apogee Elite® laser, the top of the line laser for hair removal. It is a high-powered system that delivers energy faster and get results more quickly than other lasers & safely treats all skin types. Call us today to book your laser treatment!






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