
For Practitioners

CoolSculpting Measuring Youthtopia

Tracy: Hi everybody, it’s Tracy with Youthtopia MedSpa and I want to give each of you a quick behind the scenes look on the anatomy of an assessment with cool sculpting so today Courtney our cool sculpting specialist is going to show us how you would assess someone’s abdomen. So, our lovely models agreed to let us put this on Facebook so I’m hoping that you’ll love it. So, Courtney is going to show you typically what we do when we first started assessing someone’s abdomen. What she’s doing if you can see she’s trying to determine the differences between skin, muscle, subcutaneous fat. ideally, we’re looking for the subcutaneous fat and she’s trying to assess the right size of the applicator we would use for the abdomen. So, we have different templates based on all the different body sizes that we have out there and the different applicators that you would use and she finds the area of the fat that we’re going to treat, marks it. These marks help her know where to put the applicators later and it helps her to determine the best to achieve the best results for CoolSculpting. She’s going to take the template, now this is an expo marker so it will wash off but she’s really trying to help determine the best treatment that’s going to work for our client and in this case you can see that the circle is overlapping in the middle we’ll let her finish, which is ideal because you’re going to get even better results when you can double the treatment area. When we do this consultation, it helps you the client know what targeted area we’re going to treat and what the expected results can be and of course this is the part of the assessment that helps us price your particular treatment so everyone’s is customizable to themselves and everyone’s unique and it helps us know what your two particular CoolSculpting sessions would be. So, Courtney tell me what we have.

Courtney: So, we’re going to do a total of four of the applicators to give rid of that complete flat look, that way nothing is missed on our abdomen, everything is completely covered. So, she’ll have a nice flat tummy after we’re done.
Tracy: It’s really key, so it’s great assessment because you can see we’re going all the way to the belly button area so that we do get a complete coverage and we don’t leave anything behind and I would agree with you that’s an excellent assessment, so that would be four cycles or four applicators to get her total abdomens done. So, I know you’re going to love the results and I can’t wait to get you started. Thanks for checking in with us and don’t forget to contact Youthtopia MedSpa when you want to do your assessment and we’re here to help you anytime. Thanks so much.

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